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1100 Aluminum Round Bar

The 1100 aluminum round bar is a product made from 1100 series aluminum alloy, which is characterized by its excellent corrosion resistance, high thermal and electrical conductivity, and good workability.

1100 aluminum round bar

Features of 1100 aluminum round bar

High Purity: With a minimum aluminum content of 99%, 1100 aluminum is one of the purest forms of aluminum available.
Superior Workability: It can be easily shaped, welded, and machined, making it ideal for processes requiring extensive forming, such as spinning, stamping, and drawing.
High Thermal Conductivity: 1100 aluminum has excellent thermal conductivity, which is beneficial for heat exchange applications.

1100 aluminum round bar cutting
Non-Heat Treatable: 1100 aluminum cannot be hardened by heat treatment. Instead, it is strengthened by cold working, such as rolling or drawing.
Ductility: The alloy has excellent ductility, which allows it to be easily drawn into wires or other shapes without breaking.
Reflectivity: 1100 aluminum has good reflectivity, making it suitable for applications requiring reflective surfaces.
Weldability: It has good weldability with most standard welding methods.

Application of 1100 aluminum round bar

Heat Exchangers: The high thermal conductivity of 1100 aluminum makes it useful in heat exchanger applications.

aluminium heat exchangers
Architectural Applications: It is often used in decorative elements, signage, and architectural trim due to its good workability and aesthetics.

city building
Electrical Applications: 1100 aluminum has good electrical conductivity, making it suitable for electrical components and wiring.

electrical application
Sheet Metal Work: Its formability makes it popular for various sheet metal applications.

sheet metal work
Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices: Due to its high purity and corrosion resistance, it's used in medical devices and pharmaceutical equipment.

pharmaceutical and medical devices
General Fabrication: The alloy’s excellent machinability allows it to be used in a wide range of general fabrication projects.

industrial manufacturing
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